AE教程-学习MG运动图形动画教程 Lynda – After Effects CC 2021 Essential Training: Motion Graphics 英文字幕

从为电影创建简介标题 到为广告制作动画设计元素,After Effects都是动态图形的代名词, 并广泛用于创建 吸引观众 的视觉效果 。 使用After Effects,您将拥有 通过 图形设计和动画 融合来传达您的想法 的工具 。 在我的LinkedIn学习课程中, 其目的是 通过快速学习After Effects的基本知识 来激发您作为运动设计师创造力 , 其中包括强大的形状层工具, 动态类型动画,3D合成工作区 等。 Alan Demafiles 是一名自由动作设计师和3D动画师 ,为Netflix和Disney等客户工作。了解如何利用After Effects中创建的动态图形吸引观众 


[Alan] From creating intro titles for movies to animating design elements for commercials, Adobe After Effects is synonymous with motion graphics, and is widely used to create much of the visuals that engage audiences. With After Effects, you’ll have the tool to communicate your ideas through the fusion of graphic design and animation. In my LinkedIn Learning course, the aim is to ignite your creativity as a motion designer by quickly learning the essentials of After Effects, including powerful shape layer tools, dynamic type animation, 3D compositing workspace, and much, much more. My name is Alan Demafiles, and I’m a freelance motion designer and 3D animator working for clients such as Netflix and Disney. Join me at LinkedIn Learning to discover how to captivate your audience with motion graphics created in Adobe After Effects. HOME –




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